High pressure & Cryogenic gas testing

Is generally performed after hydrostatic testing, exception for cryogenic and low temperature applications, in those cases gas testing should be done before. High pressure gas testing has potential hazards and appropriate safety precautions are taken during gas testing performance: testing area has a suitable bunker type protection, equipped with control panels and cameras to allow the operator to perform the test in safety conditions.

High pressure & Cryogenic gas testing process

All our operators are experienced and trained to conduct all tests in accordance to the most important International Standards in line with project requirements. Pure Nitrogen, or a mixture with Helium, is commonly used to release a big amount of leak in case of valve failure.

Maverick’s Testing area includes 7 test benches suitable for both hydrostatic and gas testing for valves from ½” to 56” and pressure classes from ANSI 150 to API 15000, from 0 to 1600 bar, for a maximum weight of 1800 Tons.

Testing of valves for transport and storage of gases is highly recommended to verify the good performance of a valve under pressure. Cryogenic and low-temperature valves performance can be tested by a suitable gas testing (Helium, Nitrogen or Helium mixture) at service temperature down to -196°C (-320,8°F): Maverick’s Testing area includes suitable tanks for valves up to 40” and Nitrogen reservoir to perform cryogenic testing at any time.
Leak rates as per BS6364 or according to specific project requirements

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    • MV Nederland BV

      Rhijnspoor 239, 2901 LB Capelle a/d IJssel, The Netherlands
    • info@maverickvalves.com
    • +31 (0) 13 303 3600